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Convert readers into insights

Jack Crawford | 07 Sep 2024

Stop Guessing What Your Audience Wants. Every day, you put time, energy, and resources into your email marketing to get your audience to engage with your content. Metrics like open rates, CTR (Click-Through Rate), and CTOR (Click-To-Open Rate) can give you some insight, but they don't tell the full story about your content's quality. By adding surveys or polls to your emails, you can turn this one-way communication into a two-way conversation. This not only helps you gather valuable insights but also boosts engagement with your emails.

Incorporating Surveys

Surveys can be added to many types of emails. If you're new to using surveys in your email communications, a good way to start is by integrating them into content you already send. For example, if you regularly send a newsletter on a specific topic, try including a survey related to that topic. This lets your readers engage with your content while they read.

Segmenting Your Audience

Email surveys can help you better segment your audience and tailor your marketing to their interests. For instance, a clothing brand could use surveys to find out which styles their customers are most interested in. With this data, the brand can create audience segments based on style preferences and send personalized marketing to each group. A more targeted approach leads to higher conversion rates and more sales.

Polling for Interest

When launching a new product, event, or service, it’s helpful to know if your efforts will pay off. Polling your audience through email surveys can be an effective way to measure interest and build excitement. Instead of directly asking about your product or solution, it's often more useful to focus on the problem or need your product solves. For example, instead of asking, “On a scale of 1-5, how interested are you in a new habit tracker?” you could ask, “On a scale of 1-5, how well do you stick to your habits?” Both questions can work, but the second one emphasizes the problem your product addresses.

Things to Keep in Mind

Consider where to place your survey in your email and how it might affect the other content. If you have a specific goal, such as encouraging users to click a "Buy Now" button or providing event details, make sure that information stays at the top of your email, above the fold.

For an easy solution to adding surveys to your emails, check out Survey Magnet.