Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about our services and policies in our FAQ section. For further help, contact our support team.

Why do I need Survey Magnet?
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As a marketer, your role is to nurture audience touchpoints and create a seamless, straightforward user journey. While web surveys can be effective on a website, they add unnecessary steps for your email users. Simplify their experience by embedding surveys directly into your emails, ensuring they enjoy the smooth interaction they deserve.

Does Survey Magnet only work with specific email marketing software?
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No. Survey Magnet gives you email code that you can paste directly into your html email regardless of your email marketing software.

We do not build our email templates in house how can I use Survey Magnet?
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The easiest way to paste your Survey Magnet code into your marketing emails is by using a source code element. If you do not have a source code element you should request for this element to be added to your template by your email software provider. alternatively if your software allows you to access your email's source code you can paste the survey in there.

Where do the results of my survey get collected?
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When you create a new survey, the email address you enter at the top of the form will receive all responses from that survey. The subject line of each response will feature the survey question for easier searching and cataloging, while the user's answer will be included in the body of the email.

Is Survey Magnet Secure?
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The results from the survey you generate are only shared with the inbox you provide. Survey Magnet does not collect any of the survey responses that you gather. Information on what data we collect from our users is outlined in our Privacy policy.