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How do I embed a survey into my marketing emails?

Jack Crawford | 03 Sep 2024

Why Should I Embed My Survey in My Marketing Email?

At every step of your user's journey, there is a risk of losing them. This is an unfortunate challenge we face daily as marketers. If one hundred users begin the journey, you might lose twenty after the first step, ten after the second step, and another ten before they complete the final step. In just three steps, you could easily lose 40% of your users.

Every step you remove from your user's journey reduces the chances of drop-off, leading to more users completing the journey. By embedding a survey directly into your email, you eliminate the need for users to click through to an external survey page. This results in more contacts seeing your survey and providing valuable insights.

The Problem:

Embedding a survey into HTML emails isn't straightforward, as most email platforms actively work against it. Simply adding a web survey to your email code won't work as intended and may be stripped out before reaching the recipient. This is partly due to the limitations of HTML emails and the anti-spam measures of email platforms. To successfully embed a survey in an email, you need surveys specifically designed for email use.

The Solution:

Given these challenges, embedding a survey into your marketing emails requires creativity and innovative thinking. Survey Magnet makes it easy to build and customize a survey that you can embed directly into your HTML emails without needing any coding skills. You can add your Survey Magnet poll to your email, regardless of the email marketing platform you use. By removing unnecessary steps in your user's journey, you can gather more insights from your audience. Give your surveys the best chance to succeed with Survey Magnet.